Japan Fund for Global Environment

Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) provides grant to Non Governmental Organization (NGO)/Non Profit Organization (NPO) engaged in environmental activities. If you consider applying for our grant program, please kindly follow the guidance page below carefully https://www.erca.go.jp/jfge/english/wwd/grants.html Procedure: Application period for FY2023 is from November 10, 2022 to December 1, 2022.Please apply within this period … Read more

Anglo American Group Foundation Grants

Funds for NGOs, Funds for Indian NGOs The Anglo American Group Foundation was founded in 2005 and is funded by Anglo American plc, one of the world’s largest mining companies, which prides itself on being a responsible business partner. Anglo American seeks to ensure that its impacts contribute to sustainable livelihoods in the communities in … Read more

NED Grants 2017 – Application Requirement

Proposal Budget:This is the financial description of the project you would like to conduct with NED funds and should correspond to the activities in the Proposal Narrative. Please follow the ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE and use the BUDGET TEMPLATE whenever possible. Registration Documents (if applicable):Please include your Certificate of Registration or other documentation showing the legal status … Read more

Blakemore Freeman Fellowships

Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year of full-time, intensive language study at the advanced level in East or Southeast Asia in approved language programs. For grants to be awarded in spring 2017, study must start between June 2017 and May 2018. Grants are highly competitive. In recent years we have been able … Read more

Humanitarian Innovation Fund – Call for Applications Eligibility

Humanitarian Innovation Fund – Call for Applications Eligibility: EXAMPLES OF RECOGNITION PROJECTS: Understanding the Humanitarian effects of Violence on Vulnerable Children and women in Latin America and the Caribbean – Save the Children In this region relief has largely focused on responding to natural disasters and livelihood priorities. Violence was not at the forefront. This … Read more

Humanitarian Innovation Fund – Call for Applications

Humanitarian Innovation Fund – Call for Applications: Applications are invited for the Humanitarian Innovation Fund which supports organisations and individuals to identify,nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance. A grant up to £50,000 is available for the Recognition phase of the process. This means the recognition of a … Read more

Arbonne Charitable Foundation Grant

Apply for an Arbonne Charitable Foundation Grant Our Mission:The Arbonne Charitable Foundation’s mission is to provide support for programs and opportunities that promote the development of confidence and self‑esteem in teenage girls and boys. The Arbonne Charitable Foundation supports registered charitable organizations through monetary and product donation grants. Since 2012, more than 100,000 teens globally … Read more

PADI Foundation

The PADI Foundation encourages and supports underwater science, environmental projects, and education. The Foundation will fund and assist worthwhile projects that will enrich mankind’s understanding of the aquatic environment and encourage sensitivity to and protection of the delicate ecological balance of underwater life. The Foundation will also fund worthwhile projects to increase understanding of sport … Read more

Asia New Zeland Foundation

Asia New Zealand Foundation business grants support organisations leading projects that provide New Zealanders with opportunities to learn from the region’s business leaders, and build relationships in Asia. What types of events do business grants support?:In the past, the Asia New Zealand Foundation has supplied grants to support both networking events open to the general … Read more

IWMF’s Reporting Grants for Women’s Stories

The IWMF’s Reporting Grants for Women’s Stories , sponsored by The Secular Society, is a new funding initiative supporting journalism produced by and about women. In an era of increased globalization, the need for varied coverage of gendered topics is critical to a free and representative press. These grants will be a catalyst for reporting … Read more